Create Better Divi Headers

Show/Hide Divi Header Depending on Page Scroll Direction

by | Jun 18, 2019 | 20 comments

In this tutorial we’ll learn how to show/hide Divi header depending on page scroll direction. The goal is to hide the header while the page is being scrolled down and reveal it only when the page starts scrolling up.

“Traditional” headers move out of the viewport when the page is scrolled down and in order to navigate to other pages you have to scroll all the way up to click the other menu links.

This is probably not the best user experience and one of the solutions to overcome this is to make the header fixed so that it always stays in the viewport allowing the visitor to navigate through website without having to scroll the page up in order to access the menu.

But a fixed menu comes with its own disatvantage too – it covers a portion of the page content which may be a considerable issue for small mobile devices screens, especially if the header bar is thick(like the Divi Centered header).

To prevent this there is a need for a “hybrid” header which would be fixed but move out of the viewport while the page is being scrolled down and appear only when the visitor starts scrolling the page up. This is what we are going to implement now.



To implement this functionality we will use quite a bit of CSS to make the header fixed on mobile devices and also make it show/hide smoothly.

The scroll direction detection and showing/hiding the header will be implemented using jQuery.

Adding Custom CSS

We need the header to be fixed, so, enable the Fixed Navigation Bar option in Divi Theme Options.

However, this will make fixed only the desktop menu but we need the mobile menu to be fixed as well.

Also, the header should appear/disappear smoothly.

To do that let’s add the following CSS into Divi Theme Options -> Custom CSS field ( or into the child theme style.css file):

/* Show / Hide Divi Header Depending On Page Scroll Direction */

@media all and (max-width: 980px){
  /* make mobile header fixed */
  #top-header {
    position: fixed !important;
/* show/hide the main and top header smoothly */
#top-header {
  transition: top .3s ease !important;

/* Show / Hide Divi Header Depending On Page Scroll Direction */

Adding JS

Next add the JS code in Divi Theme Options -> Integration.

The JS code calculates the scrolling direction and shows/hides the header depending on the configuration.

If the dropdown menu is open and the page is scrolled up, it will close the dropdown menu so that the user could view the page content without having to close the dropdown menu manually. And if the pages is scrolled down the dropdown menu will again be closed and the header will move out of the viewport. 

<script type="text/javascript">
        let minScroll = 5,
            interval = 0,
            closeDropdownOnScroll = true,
            lastScrollTop = $(document).scrollTop(),
            topHeader = $('#top-header'),
            mainHeaderHeight = $('#main-header').outerHeight(),
            topHeaderHeight = topHeader.length ? $('#top-header').outerHeight() : 0,
            mainHeaderTopOffset = mainHeaderHeight + topHeaderHeight;

            didScroll = true;
            if (didScroll){
                didScroll = false;
        }, interval);
         * Close dropdown menu
        function closeDropdownMenu(){
            $("#main-header .mobile_nav.opened .mobile_menu_bar_toggle").trigger("click");

         * Show/hide header
        function hasScrolled(){
            let scrollTop = $(this).scrollTop();
            // Make sure the scrolled amount is more than minScroll
            if(Math.abs(lastScrollTop - scrollTop) <= minScroll)
            // If the page's been scrolled down by more than the header height - hide the header.
            if (scrollTop > lastScrollTop && scrollTop > mainHeaderTopOffset){
                // Hide the main header
                $('#main-header.nav-up').css({'top' : `-${mainHeaderTopOffset}px`});

                // Hide the top header (if exists)
                    $('#top-header.nav-up').css({'top' : `-${topHeaderHeight}px`});
            } else {
                // Show the header when scrolling up
                if(scrollTop + $(window).height() < $(document).height()){
                    // Show the main header
                    $('#main-header.nav-down').css({'top' : `${topHeaderHeight}px`});

                    // Show the top header (if exists)
                        $('#top-header.nav-down').css({'top' : `0px`});
            // Update the last scroll position
            lastScrollTop = scrollTop;

How To Configure

There are three variables that you might want to configure: minScroll, interval, closeDropdownOnScroll.

 – minScroll : sets the minimum amount to be scrolled before the effect takes place. For example, if it is set to 250 then the header will be hidden only after the page has been scrolled down by at least 250px (default: 5)

 – interval : delays the effect by the set amount of time (in ms) after the scrolling starts (default: 0)

 – closeDropdownOnScroll : set to true if you want the open dropdown menu to close automatically when the page starts scrolling, otherwise set to false (default: true)

That’s it, copy the code snippets and implement this effect in your Divi projects. Feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below.

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